PanoSociety is the Nodal Ninja / Fanotec Authorized Warranty Center in Europe, based in Prague, Czech Republic.
Types of warranty:
- Legal seller warranty: This is legal warranty between you and your seller, determined by law and customer protection standards. This usually takes precedence and protects you more, however, in certain cases, it doesn't last as long as factory warranty, in which case you can use the factory warranty
- Nodal Ninja / Fanotec Factory Warranty: Extends the legal seller warranty. Note that when using the factory warranty you usually have to pay the shipping costs back and forth.
How to claim your legal seller Warranty:
- Contact us to see how we can help you, or if you want an official procedure, you can follow our Terms
How to claim Nodal Ninja / Fanotec Factory Warranty:
- Can apply even if you purchased your Nodal Ninja / Fanotec product through other official seller but also applies for products purchased through us that are out of the official seller warranty
- Contact us with this following information
- Include:
- Proof of purchase (original receipt or invoice) with WHAT, WHEN, WHO and FROM WHO (what products were purchased, when they were purchased, who purchased them, and from who - who was the seller), this information is necessary for us to track down the original order and find production batch of the model variant of your product
- Description of problem and why you think this is warranty issue
- Current photo(s) or video(s) of the product from which the issue is clear
- Your desired course of action (what you would like us to do, if possible)
Next steps:
- We will then determine next steps which can include
- Replacement of the product
- Offering repair, upgrade or other solutions for your best satisfaction, including paid solutions
- Instructions how to self-fix the problem if possible
- Other general hints & tips
See also: |