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What you need to start creating awesome panoramas and choosing the best panorama head for you

360° panoramic photos and virtual tours are a new way of showing places, events and businesses on the web. The boom of this kind of imaging technology is caused mainly by ever-reducing costs of creating it and the availability of simple tools and software for processing photos. The widespread of the broadband internet makes it super-easy to publish 360° photos on websites without any worries about their accessibility and speed.


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QUICK START - If you want to skip reading and start quickly - Equipment list for shooting panoramas and 360 VR

Initial testing and understanding of concept:

  • ANY CAMERA: If you are just starting with panoramic photography you need any suitable camera (even phone is ok).
  • ANY LENS: If your camera does not come with a lens, then you need to get any appropriate lens. Preferably a fisheye lens if you can but any lens will do - fisheye lenses are great for the fact that they cover a large field of view with a single shot so you will be done with your shooting in less time. Don't worry about fisheye image distortion. That's a job for stitching software to deal with.
  • Software for stitching photos and exporting

When you start enjoying it or if you need better quality and faster results:

For shooting from a height (aerial photos):

Also consider:


10 steps to creating 360° panoramas on your own

The following guide is useful for both beginners and experienced panoramic photographers. You will find value in it if you are looking for ways to make money with 360° photography, if you want to enrich your pages with an interesting virtual tour, if you want to capture your next holiday, an expedition to a far-away country, or an expected extraordinary event in the unconventional 360° panoramas.

The following articles will enable you to start shooting 360° panoramas on your own no matter your current skills and equipment and you will be able to publish your photos on the internet. You will realize it is fun, rewarding experience that anyone can learn it.

1. The biggest secret of panoramic photography revealed

2. Three different kinds of panoramas

3. 360° panoramas from the beginning of 20th century

4. What camera to use and how to shoot your first panorama

5. How to shoot virtual tours and make money doing so

6. How to shoot virtual tours and make money doing so - Part 2

7. Video tutorial: How to shoot a spherical panorama without a visible tripod

8. Video: A complete video guide to stitching spherical panoramas

9. How to work with white balance when shooting panoramas

10. How to set up your camera and the five “M”s rule (Under construction)


PanoSociety Online Store

Once you have learned the basics you will need equipment for your first experiments. Our online store is at your service for all your panoramic photography equipment needs.


Blog and News

Do you want more information about panoramic photography? Follow my PanoSociety blog with photos and occasional tips and tricks.


PanoSociety Academy / HOW TO SHOOT 360º: Panoramic photography workshops with experienced photographer

"My PanoSociety How To Shoot 360 Academy offers workshops of panoramic photography. You can order private or group/company session during which you will have my full attention and I will only focus on you or your team" - Jan Vrsinsky, the PanoSociety Academy Founder 


How To Set No-Parallax Point

Setting no-parallax point 


How many images you need to cover 360 degree of view?

Panorama shot calculator


Lens Database and Shooting Schemes

Lens Database and Shooting Schemes


Contact the owner

My name is Jan Vrsinsky and I'm the founder of PanoSociety. I’ve been involved with panoramic photography since 2003 and intensively since 2008. I’m a small investor in I’ve taken virtual tours in Mexico, South Africa, in the Škoda Auto factory in Czech Republic and many other places around the world. I really enjoy it. I share my experiences during my workshops and on my blog. You can find more about me and about my experience at



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